Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to update the Tax tables in the Property Pro Investment Program

This week I answer a question from Stephan Almeida he ask: How do we update the tax tables in the Property Pro Investment Program?

Other "property investment training" videos

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Property Investment: Question relating to the New Credit Act

This week I answer a question from Otto Gouws he ask:

"It seems that the new Credit act is making it more difficult for the average man, with an existing bond, to apply for finance. How can one get around this obstacle and get a bond/loan on investment property?"

You will find the answer on http://youtube.com/watch?v=VEFPALrIasg

You can also have a look at http://propertyschool.blogspot.com/2007/08/did-you-get-it.html

Hope you learn something

Friday, February 15, 2008

Property investment - is now the time to buy or sell?

I am getting more and more propositions to buy "investment properties". The question I ask the people who offer these properties to me is, “Give me the bottom line. What is the risk and what is the IRR over a five year period based on the Property Pro Investment Program?”.

What is really interesting is that as of today, NOT ONE seller or agent has come back to me! I am seriously in the market. I want to buy. I can’t wait to buy. But I buy only real investments. I want to know the bottom line and I do not fall for sales talk. All I need is the figures. And I am not getting them!

The question is: “How do you know whether or not a property is really an investment and not a dud?”

Here is the interesting thing. For the past seven years I have taught my students how to use and apply the Property Pro Investment Software Program to determine the REAL risk and potential growth in any property. Over the past seven years I have also warned them of the pitfalls, saying that unless you know how to determine the risk and potential growth you should stay out of the property market.

Property can be either one of the best investments you can make or one of the worst. The only way to know for sure is to do the calculations. There is no other way.

Most people have no idea that one should do the calculations ... or what calculations are relevant. I tell my students that there are 27 variables – at least – to consider. Unless you have a proven system, you are in the dark. Simple.

I have such a system. I developed it myself, based on my experience of creating great wealth with property. I believe it is quite unique. And I can use it to prove to anyone that unless you use a program like the Property Pro Investment Program it is impossible to make an informed financial decision.

Location, location, location ...

If everyone says something you should be suspicious of it. In my experience it is a lie that misleads people and makes it easier to fleece them. And what “everyone” (mostly salespeople) says about property is that it is the location, location, location that is important. This is a lot of nonsense, simply because there are twenty seven variables when it comes to property and location is not the most important. Unless you understand how it works you cannot make a decision. But if you are conditioned to think “location, location, location” then what are you going to do? You are going to try and buy the most expensive property you can. And that translates into a nice fat commission for the agent.

The only thing that is truly important is to know what your risk and your return on my investment are. Unless you can calculate and manage that, my advice is to STAY OUT OF THE PROPERTY MARKET.

I have made a short training video to demonstrate to you that the growth on the location has almost no influence on the growth you are going to get on your investment. In this training session I start with the basics - basically to prove to you the accuracy of the Property Pro Investment Program and that there is very little relation between the growth of the location and the growth you are going to get on your money, or your investment.

Now to answer the question - is now the time to buy or sell?

The answer is easy. Do the calculation. If you follow the Property The Road To Riches DVD Course I will teach you in less than a day how to evaluate a property, how to determine the risk and how to decide if you should buy or sell a property.

Till the end of this month we have a special on our Property Executive course - to find out more call Lio or Kleintjie in Pretoria (012) 542 4560 or e-mail lilo@propertyschool.co.za