Tuesday, July 3, 2007

With the NCA now in effect – is buying investment properties more or less attractive?

The NCA is now in effect.

This seems to be good news for property investors because it turns a sellers market into a buyers market? But conventional wisdom says to do the opposite of what the market dictates.

So does this mean buying is less attractive now?


1 comment:

Dr Hannes Dreyer said...

I do not know what conventional or unconventional wisdom is – it is too easy to manipulate. What I do know is that I am a Wealth Creator and all wealth creators know the basic principle of property investments - we do the sums.

We always do the sums according to the Property Pro Investment strategy and by using the Property Pro Program.

I have been doing this since 1987, and I will keep on doing this till the day I die.

Not only do we do one sum – we do two calculations, just to make sure we can handle the risk.

The question then is not - if buying is more or less attractive.

The question is does the deal make sense?

If the deal makes sense it will make sense in good or bad times because we determine the intrinsic value of the investment and compare that with out investment objective over our investment term - taking risks into consideration.

If it makes sense we buy. If not we walk away from the deal.

By following this route we do not have to listen to conventional or unconventional wisdom.

We make our own road.

The road to riches and wealth creation.